
那因? 那緣? 那果?

朋友問什麼是愛, 何以我們永遠不反思, 感恩? 

中文永遠比其它文字可愛, 一眼看出用心去愛, 但有多少人明白?

上帝常常說愛世人, 得永生要信他. 我不信他他不愛我? 這樣我便要下地獄? 沒關係, 因為你不懂中

文, 不懂愛字怎樣寫. 上帝當你學懂中文的愛怎樣寫, 你便知道如何愛眾生.

愛是需要我們學習, 感恩, 反思也一樣. 當你用心看這世界, 你便會發覺和用眼看的不一樣.

如你認為付出愛便需要回報, 那你還未懂什麼是因, 緣, 果.

懂得愛是我們的褔. 學習有智慧的愛, 你我便多一分修養.

感恩 :))


IQ 博士


開心其實好簡單, 一套差不多有三十年歷史的卡通, 今日再睇一樣咁好笑. 計計下我咪一把年紀.

=:=' =:=' =:=' ^________^' 嘩----- 真係標冷汗. 但點解我仲好似大唔透?????? 仲係咁百厭, 貪玩... =:<'


Time Stand Still


如果這世界停頓一分鐘, 人類會不會反思自己所做的一切? 上帝一定反思何解當日會制製造人類.

一日24 小時有1440 分鐘, 佔的比例很少. 一分鐘對大多數人來說是微不足道. 但一分鐘可以發生很多事.

如果你能力令這世界停頓一分鐘, 在這一分鐘你會做什麼?

Time Stand Still By The Hooters

If I had a way to make time stand still
I'd have a lot more time to kill
Sit on the beach and drink my fill
If I hand a way to make time stand still

For a day , for an hour, for a year
For a while, for as long as we're here
Stop the world, watch the days disappear
If I had a way to make time stand still

If I had a little more time with you
I'd be the man you'd want me to
Do all the things that I should do
If I had a little more time with you

For a day , for an hour, for a year
For a while, for as long as we're here
Stop the world, watch the days disappear
If I had a way to make time stand still

If I had a way to make time turn back
I'd find a way to get you back
One of these days I know I will
When I find a way to make time stand still

For a day , for an hour, for a year
For a while, for as long as we're here
Stop the world, watch the days disappear
If I had a way to make time stand still

Just a little time, just a little
Just a little time, just a little

Sony Written by Hyman and Bazilian


wow wow wow

今晚上完瑜伽課, 周身痛 ~:<
懶之過 嘻嘻 ^____^



今天是清明節, 傳統是上山祭祖, 以紀念先人. 家族有一個不明規定, 今天女人是不用去的. 哈哈 我又可以睡晏一點.

放了四天假, 不是睡覺便是上網看電視, 難得可以不用腦. 一年中有幾天可以這樣真不錯. 如果經常這樣我可能很快便會自我毀滅 :))) :D

明天回復正常, 繼續努力工作. 人生才有意義.



洛神花一個很美的名字. 味道是酸酸的增加了她的悽美感. 加了蜜糖讓她酸中帶甜.
好像人生一樣 , 酸中帶甜, 苦中帶甘. 這才有她的意義.